Donate and Support

We love everything about rivers. Chances are you do to, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Riverbrain doesn't believe in ads or other annoying features that are so prevalant across the internet. We do however incur a cost to bring this info to the river community. If you find any of this information valuable or you enjoy this web site, PLEASE consider donating to help offset server costs and development costs. Riverbrain is committed to keeping the site and content free to the public and users. Donate if you want. Otherwise enjoy the site!

Note: All proceeds we make off of donations will be put back into the site. We have lot's of features and suggestions from users we'd love to implement. You can help by funding those features. If you have something you'd like added or improved on the site, feel free to contact us and let us know your thoughts. We'll do the best we can to incorporate your feedback and suggestions into the site.
