Virgin River - Timpoweap Canyon


Access Details

Type Put-In
Name in

Virgin River Falls (el. 3443) off Sheep Bridge Road, approximately 1 miles west of Virgin off Highway 9. Turn south onto Sheep Bridge Road and turn upstream after crossing bridge. or Downstream of Quail Creek Diversion (el. 3325). Take the unmarked road at power poles going south approximately 1.5 miles west of Virgin to scout Quail Creek Dam. Do not drive to the dam, but park at rim and scout from there. To get into Timp Canyon you WILL NEED a beefy high clearance 4x4, preferably a friends, and not your own. Take dirt roads west from Quail Creek Road, then connect with roads going south that drop into the canyon (there are numerous unmarked dirt roads in the area). If you find a rocky rutted 4x4 road steeply dropping into a side canyon, you are probably on the right track. Sorry I can't give more specific directions, but when you are there, you'll understand why. Try Google Earth.

Vehicle Access All Vehicles
Camping Allowed? No
Boat Ramp? No
Water Available? No
Coordinates Lat: 37.1974212
Long: -113.2064563
Elevation 3451.01 Feet

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