Lower Clear Creek River Log

User Descent Date Notes
Joshua Darnell 05-16-2012 208cfs Ran canyon from Hwy 6 and Hwy 119 intersection to Golden. ~12 miles total.
Joshua Darnell 06-06-2012 330cfs Ran canyon from Hwy 6 and Hwy 119 intersection to golden. ~12 miles total. Portaged Rigor.
Joshua Darnell 06-15-2012 233cfs
justin.payne 07-07-2012 450 cfs
Joshua Darnell 07-07-2012 Two laps first at 450cfs second at 360cfs. Overnight rain peaked the river to 500+cfs
Miller Time 05-16-2013

326 Cfs with Levi. Play park was great but this is a minimum for me on the lower section. 

justin.payne 05-18-2013
Miller Time 05-18-2013

Levi, Justia, and syd. 450 cfs. Hand paddles and play boat. 

Miller Time 05-24-2013

Syd, Justin, Levi, and Kevin (Arkansas). 450 cfs. hand paddles

Miller Time 05-27-2013

600 this morning for dawn patrol. play boat and hand paddles. kevin, levi, justin, juan, syd. 

justin.payne 05-21-2013
justin.payne 05-24-2013


justin.payne 05-27-2013
justin.payne 06-02-2013
justin.payne 06-19-2013
Miller Time 06-26-2013

+Rigo.  Someone owes me ice cream

justin.payne 06-25-2013
Miller Time 09-14-2013

September chocolate milk!!! 

Miller Time 09-15-2013

Excellent flow two days in a row. No swimmers 

Miller Time 09-21-2013

Play boat/hand paddles.  Excellent day 

Miller Time 09-23-2013

Finished black rock, why not do lower cc

justin.payne 07-27-2013
Joshua Darnell 04-23-2014

One lap with the crew. One solo lap racing daylight. 

Miller Time 05-10-2014

290 cfs.  Justin, Levi, and Daniel came along. 

Miller Time 07-19-2014

One lap after Coors Falls day. Play boat and hand paddles