Boulder Park and Town River Log

User Descent Date Notes
justin.payne 05-25-2012 low
justin.payne 05-25-2012 2nd lap
justin.payne 07-07-2012 240 cfs after big rain
Miller Time 05-11-2013

First drop is now really a great boof to far river left.  Piton rock on the drop is ugly, and kind if shifted towards the middle now 

justin.payne 05-11-2013
justin.payne 05-11-2013
justin.payne 05-19-2013
justin.payne 05-19-2013
justin.payne 05-19-2013
conorfell 07-04-2019

Made swims and sticky holes running it w/o spray skirt in the Gnu. Stay away unless comes down to 350.