Arkansas River - Royal Gorge

Wall Slammer

Rapid Details

Name Wall Slammer
Class III to IV-

Wall slammer is not an incredibly hard rapid located directly under the Royal  Gorge bridge but there are some things to consider. The two main features are a river right hole and a river right undercut cliff wall. The hole is easily avoidable and fairly easy to get out of but it is a bit sticky.  About two thirds of the way down the undercut cliff wall is a cave like crack in the rock and multiple pins have been reported here. Swims are not fun due to an assortment of man made debris on the river edge that can tear you up and snag. The rapid is easy if the wall slam is avoided. There are plenty of other rapids on this run to get some glory!


It would be a difficult scout. Steep canyon wall on one side and train tracks on the other.

Recommended Flows Minimum:
Elevation Feet
Coordinates Lat -
Long -