Colorado River - Westwater

Little Dolores Rapid

Rapid Details

Name Little Dolores Rapid
Class III to III+

Run center.  Watch for a hole you will need to punch through.  The wave-hole in the middle of the rapid is best playboating on the river and at the right flows one of the best in Colorado.  The best flows are in the 4000-5000 cfs range.  Ferry access is available from river right, but can be challenging.


read and run

Recommended Flows Minimum: 1000.0
Maximum: 20000.0
Length Feet
Elevation 4248.46 Feet
Coordinates Lat - 39.01548259
Long - -109.1458869

Little D Surf Wave

08-26-2012 - Making the ferry

Photo By: Kevin Cripps

Subject: Josh Mack

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