Chili Bar Hole
Just after the putin is a small rapid with a fairly retentive but playable hole. Eddy access on the left. Many commercial rafts pile up here to give their customers a "stern squirt" splash.
Minimum: 800.0
Maximum: 4000.0
Meatgrinder (Quarter Mile) Rapid
This is a long continuous rocky rapid. The biggest hits are towards the bottom near the right hand bank where most of the water funnels. Several different play spots are located in this rapid for the kayakers.
Read and run
Minimum: 800.0
Maximum: 4000.0
Racehorse Bend (Sluice Box) Rapid
This is a longer rapid as the river makes a river left turn. Rocky at certain levels. Follow the main wave train around to the left. Watch the right bank at the bottom of the rapid as most of the flow runs up against it. Lot's of lateral waves throughout this rapid can easily flip IK's or hard shells. Not too bad though if you keep your eye on them.
Read and run
III- to III+
Minimum: 800.0
Maximum: 4000.0
Maya (Traffic Light) Rapid
Class II waves lead into a drop (III ish at certain levels) on river right at the bottom of this rapid. At higher flows a drop on the left opens up as well. Surfing the main hole at the bottom is doable at most all levels. Eddy access on either side.
Read and run
II+ to III
Minimum: 800.0
Maximum: 4000.0
Rock Garden Rapid
Large rock outcrops line the river here for a good stretch. Nothing to hard or serious about them.
Read and run
II to II+
Minimum: 800.0
Maximum: 4000.0
African Queen Rapid
Several small islands seperate the river here. Most of the flow goes down the right channel. This is definitely the best option for rafts. Kayakers can get a little more adventurous and try out different channels.
Read and run
Minimum: 800.0
Maximum: 4000.0
First Threat Rapid
More class II leads into a sharp right hand turn that drops into a sizable hole. This is probably a more advanced surf wave for kayakers and rafts should probably square up for this hole hit.
Read and run
Minimum: 800.0
Maximum: 4000.0
Second Threat Rapid
Just below first threat is another wave train (towards river right). Many commercials have their clients swim here. This is a good rapid to practice swimming in a rapid and catching an eddy below.
Read and run.
II to II+
Minimum: 800.0
Maximum: 4000.0
Third Threat Rapid
Another wave train drop.
Read and run
Minimum: 800.0
Maximum: 4000.0
Unnamed Rapid
Rocky at lower levels. Most water ends up going left.
Read and run
II to II+
Minimum: 800.0
Maximum: 4000.0
Mini Gorge Rapid
The river drops through bedrock and narrows. Waves lead into it. As the river channel narrows lots of boils and crazy water can flip the unsuspecting kayaker.
II to II+
Minimum: 800.0
Maximum: 4000.0
Troublemaker (S-Turn) Rapid
This is the biggest (and last major) rapid on the chili bar run. 2 holes are the major feature of this rapid. 1 at the start of the rapid and another immediately below it on the sharp right hand turn. You can hit both holes and squeeze between gunsight rock and the left bank in a raft. Just make sure to square up. Kayakers can also make the hole runs but can possibly get flipped but swims aren't too bad here. IK's may want to run the first hole far left and then paddle hard to run right of gunsight rock. As water levels rise the holes get bigger and more powerful.
You can scout from the left bank.
Minimum: 800.0
Maximum: 4000.0
Old Scary Rapid
A small class II that used to be bigger until it washed out.
Read and run
Minimum: 800.0
Maximum: 4000.0