Character: Braided, fast, shallow riverbed with multiple barbed wire fences, river wide logs, blind curves, low head dams and other unpleasant hazards. Surprisingly sick fun in a adventurous kind of way.
I've only done this once, but I really liked it. It's not the run for everyone. But if you have a sense of adventure, are good at improvised eddy catching and log-limboing, and run it with good flows, you too might like this run.
Start at MP 51.5, or if you have a lot of energy, start at the East Fork Confluence. Either way, after MP 51.5, the river slows a little and becomes braided. There is a fence not long after. Beyond this, I can't remember particulars other than the run is fast, with a lot of logs and fences (maybe 6 fences), has a lot of blind bends with fast water and no eddy service. There are some great rapid sections, but nothing gnarly. You will pass the beautiful homes of Wild River Ranches and probably freak out anyone you see.
The river slows (with a fence for good measure) and meanders just before Chalk Creek Bridge. Take out and call it a day.